Basil Crazy
Too Much Basil?
I think I may have gone a little out of control with the basil plants. They start out so cute and tiny, and they take a while to really take off and grow big. Once the heat hits, I can’t contain them!

Basil Out of Control

I planted 16 basil plants this year and they all thrived in the new garden space. I wasn’t able to keep up with trimming all the flowers!
I dried as much as I could. At first I was cutting and putting in the dehydrator, then I just gave up and started bunch drying them. It really helped to do it in larger batches. Even then, it took forever.

I don’t know what I’m going to do with it all! Ideas?
Don’t say pesto or I’m gonna freak out #pestofordays
I did keep some of the basil flowers to harvest seeds later and to use in my aromatic Oregon Medicinal Tea.