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Romancing the Yardwork

Writing a book feels like invisible work. Sure, at the end, I will have something physical to show for it. For now, it’s just words on a computer screen.

During most stages, a book in progress is a jumbled mess of digital characters and post-it notes. It’s not until the end, when it’s formatted and bound with pretty cover art, that a book really comes to life. Until then, it’s a figment of the imagination; an idea in the works.

In the meantime, it’s nice to see clear progress in other areas. It’s a relief to make an immediate impact on the world around me, a significant change I can enjoy immediately.

Finding joy in getting dirty and making change.

If I’m going to do it, I might as well enjoy myself. I am going to make these garden chores mean something! 🙃

Here are a few before and after pictures of my front herb garden. I really let it go over the winter and she needed a glow up!

For the record, I really regret the white rock on top of the plants. I keep telling myself what a ridiculous waste of time it would be to fish it all out and start over, but the urge may get the better of me. We’ll see. For now, it’ll keep the cat out and looks better than it did yesterday.