Who is Liz Gale?

Liz Gale is an artist, writer and content creator.
After growing up in a cult, leaving and losing everything, Liz made one promise to herself: to live a creative life.
Whether it’s providing cult education on social media, advocating for other ex-members or making funny videos about mind-control, Liz can be found online or working on her next big project.
When she isn’t writing, she can be found taking walks with her family or bossing plants around in her garden.

Confessions of an Ex-Scientologist Pothead:
Born in. Sparked Up. Got out.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.8 stars on Amazon
Over 1000 copies sold since August 2023!!
From her first breath, Liz is destined for life within the mysterious world of Scientology. Indoctrination lurks behind every corner as she shuffled between an elite boarding school, eccentric churches and a family of true believers.
When her teenage brother’s sudden death sparks a national controversy, Liz begins to ask dangerous questions about her family’s seventy-year involvement with the organization.
The true cost of freedom becomes clear when she starts a family of her own and is forced with a gut-wrenching choice. Will she sacrifice everything to protect her children?
You bet your ass she will.
“Laugh, cry and prepare for a wild ride with this captivating memoir of a third-generation ex-Scientologist””
What’s next for Liz Gale?
After self-published her debut book, Liz is excited to share stories from the book with other creators across many platforms, podcasts, etc.
Reach out if you have an idea for collaboration.
Be prepared to be Googled, she is notoriously paranoid. With an upbringing like hers, can you really blame her?